Delivery of a shipment by courier
You probably all know what they are, and have used courier services at least once. Whether you were a sender or a recipient. You know that the services of couriers are similar to those that offer mail, but with courier companies things happen faster, safer and more convenient.
It is faster because the post offices use public transport, such as trains, buses, etc. Through them the letters and the parcels reach the settlement of the recipient, from there they go to the post office, and only then, an employee of the post office distributes them and delivers them to the addresses. However, this takes time, and very often shipments arrive late. However, courier companies have their own vehicles and use them to transport shipments to their final recipients. This saves time, and makes courier services preferred to those of the post office.
When transporting the shipment by public transport, there is a risk of loss or damage to the contents of the package. However, with courier companies, these risks are minimized, not to mention not at all.
To send something by mail, you need to visit a post office and drop off your shipment. When it is in the recipient's location, he receives a receipt from the post office and must go to pick it up (if the shipment is a package). If we are talking about a letter, then a post office employee will take it to the recipient's address. Often, however, registered letters are returned to the sender, because when the postal employee went to the recipient's address, there was no one there to accept the letter. Things are different with courier companies . No matter what you send, whether a letter or a package, as soon as it is submitted, you will provide a telephone number to contact the recipient. Thus, when the courier is already close to the address, he will call the recipient and agree on when, how and where to receive the shipment. If the recipient is not currently at the specified address, the courier will offer another place and time to deliver the shipment. In this way, shipments sent through courier companies always reach their recipient.
For example, if someone sent you an important letter in the mail, but it was not sent by registered mail or with a return receipt, the postman will leave it in your mailbox. Yes, but the children next door can open the box and pick up your letter. However, if the letter is sent by courier , it will be delivered to you personally, by hand by an employee of the company. Thus, the risk of losing the letter does not exist. When you are waiting for a package, the receipt for it will also be left in your mailbox. The same thing can happen to her as to the letter, and you may not even realize that someone has sent you a parcel. However, if the package is sent through a courier company , an employee of the company will contact you and specify when and where it is most convenient to receive your shipment. It will be handed over to you again in person, which means that there is no risk of not receiving it.
You understand how much easier, convenient, fast and secure it is to send letters and packages through courier companies .